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发布人: 欧洲杯买足球软件     发布时间: 2017-04-18     访问次数: 1197

1.Personal Information

Full Name :



Academic Position :


Telephone :


E-mail : qjiang@hhu.edu.cn







University of Tokyo , JAPAN

10/1991 – 09/1994
MEng(Civil): Hohai University 09/1985 – 08/1988


East China Technical University of Water Resources (Hohai University )

09/1981 – 08/1985


3.Work Experience


University /Institute, Country



Hohai University, China

01/2012 – the present

Research Engineer

Seabuk, Canada

09/2008 – 12/2009

Research Officer

National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management,Japan

04/2005 – 09/2007

Research Scientist

Frontier Research Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC,Japan

04/2001 – 03/2005
Post Dr. Researcher

Port and Airport Research Institute,Japan

10/1997 – 03/2001
Research Engineer

PENTA OCEAN Institute of Technology,Japan

10/1994 – 09/1997
Lecture/Teaching Assistant

Tianjin University,China

09/1988 – 10/1996


4.Research Areas

•  Estuary and coastal hydrodynamic and sedimentation

•  Coastal disaster prevention and sustainability utilization

•  Wave-seabed-structure interaction

•  Numerical simulation method for multi-phase and multi-surface fluid flows

•  ……


5.Research Funding

•  Study on Wave and Muddy Bed Interaction and Its Numerical Modelling National Natural Science Foundation of China, January 201 4 -December 201 8 , principle investigator.

•  Development of numerical wave flume by using MPS method, December 2014-December 2016, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (2013B31514), principle investigator.

•  Study on the overtopping and damage characteristics of a slopping sea dike under super-standard tide and wave action, February 201 3 -December 2016, Technology Foundation for Selected Overseas Chinese , principle investigator .


6.Main Publications

1. Lizhu Wang, Qin Jiang, Changkuan Zhang:“Numerical Study on Solitary Wave Behaviors upon Vertical Sea Walls with an Improved MPS Method”, ISOPE 2016
2. 汪垚, 蒋勤,徐奥哲,张长宽: “水沙混相流运动的CIP-DEM耦合数值模型,” [J]. 《科学技术与工程》, Vol. 16, No. 15, 2016
3. 徐奥哲, 蒋勤: ”CIP法在模拟大变形自由表面流问题中的应用,” [J]. 《科学技术与工程》, Vol. 16 , No. 15, 2016
4. Hao Wang,Qin Jiang,Changkuan Zhang:“ Numerical simulation of free surface flows by using weakly compressible corrected MPS method,“Advanced Materials Research, V842, p 449-459, 2014
5. 安蒙华、蒋勤、张长宽:“波浪在斜坡堤上传播的数值模拟, “ [J]. 《水运工程》,总第492期,pp.27-29,2014
6. 王昊、蒋勤、张长宽:“WC-CMPS法对溃坝溢流问题的数值模拟, “ [J]. 《科学技术与工程》, Vol. 14, No. 11, 2014
7. Jiang, Q., M.H. An and C.K. Zhang:“Numerical Analysis of Wave Attenuation Characteristics of Four Different Type Permeable Breakwaters”, Proceedings of 2013 IAHR World Congress, 2013
8. Jiang, Q., C.K. Zhang & M. Fukuhama:“A study on evaluation of environmental impacts of shore protection facilities at Toban Coast,” Frontiers of Energy and Environmental Engineering, ISBN 978-0-415-66159-1, p.702-705, 2013
9. An Menghua,Qin Jiang,Changkuan Zhang:“ Simulation of Wave Propagation on Sloping Seadike,”International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer (MEC), 2013
10. 安蒙华,蒋勤,张长宽:“斜坡式海堤越浪流态及越浪量数值模拟,”第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集(上册),2013年
11. Jiang Q., C. K. Zhang, “Simulation of Wave-Maritime Structure Interactions by Using a Numerical Wave Flume,”Advanced Materials Research,ISSN: 1022-6680, Vols.588-589, pp.1376-1379, 2012
12. Jiang Q., C. K. Zhang,“Simulation of Wave-Maritime Structure Interactions by Using a Numerical Wave Flume,”Advanced Materials Research,ISSN: 1022-6680, Vols.588-589, p.1376-1379, 2012
13. 蒋勤, 福濱方哉 "海岸保全施設による環境影響の予測・評価について," Annual Journal of Civil Engineering in the Ocean, Vol.23,p.639~644, 2007
14. 蒋勤, 福濱方哉, 加藤史訓, "砂浜海岸生態系の環境影響評価に関する基本的な検討", 海岸工学論文集, Vol.53, pp.1111~1115, 2006.
15. Jiang Q., M. Fukuhama, F. Kato,"Basic Study on Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Shore Protection Facilities on the Ecosystem", Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecological Modeling 2006 in Yamaguchi, p.38~39,2006
16. Jiang Q., et al.,“An Experiment of Ocean State Estimate by Using Argo Data and a 4D-VAR Data Assimilation System,” AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 2004.
17. 蒋勤, 淡路敏行, 杉浦望実, 増田周平, 五十嵐弘道, 沈一揚, 竹内謙介, 四竃信行,“ARGO データへの4次元データ同化システムの適用について”,日本海洋学会秋季大会講演要旨集,P105,2003.
18. Jiang Q., et al., “On the Construction of ARGO Dataset Using A 4DVAR Data Assimilation System,” AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 2003.
19. Jiang Qin, Toshiyuki Awaji, Nozomi Sugiura, Shuhei Masuda, Hiromichi Igarashi, Kensuke Takeuchi, Nobuyuki Shikama, “Application of a 4DVAR data assimilation system to the Argo data,” 1st Argo Science Workshop, Tokyo, JAPAN, 2003.
20. 淡路敏之, 蒋 勤:“フロンティアにおけるアルゴデータの同化,” 日本海洋学会春季大会シンポジウム「Argoの現状と将来 -Argoは海洋学に革命をもたらすか-」, 2003.
21. 杉浦望実, 淡路敏之, 馬場金司, 増田周平, 蒋 勤, アナンジェームス, 北脇重宗:“Improving Computational Efficiency of 4D-VAR System for Global Ocean Circulation Study,”Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics2002, 2003.
22. 石川洋一, 淡路敏之, 豊田隆寛, 杉浦望実, 増田周平, 蒋 勤, 小守信正:“海洋データ同化からみたブイデータの有効性”, 海の研究, 12, 321-322, 2003.
23. Jiang Qin," An identical Twin Experiment for the Development of A 4D-VAR Data Assimilation System for the ARGO Data", American Geophysical Union 2002 Fall Meeting, 2002
24. 蒋 勤, 淡路敏之, 杉浦望実, 増田周平, 竹内謙介, 四竃信行, 沈一陽, J. D. Annan: “ARGO データに適用する4次元データ同化システムの開発”, 日本海洋学会秋季大会講演要旨集,2002.
25. Takahashi Shigeo and Qin Jiang: “Application of CADMAS-SURF to the Plate-type and L-type breakwaters,”(in Japanese), Coastal Development Technique Library, No.12, ISBN 4-900302-53, pp.194-200, 2001
26. Takahashi Shigeo and Qin Jiang:“Application of CADMAS-SURF to the interaction of waves-soils-structures,” (in Japanese), Coastal Development Technique Library, No.12, ISBN 4-900302-53, pp.277-283, 2001.
27. 淡路敏之,杉浦望実,馬場金司,石川洋一,増田周平,堀内一敏,蒲地政文,小守信正,蒋 勤,豊田隆寛,中村知裕: “データ同化研究の発展と多目的活用に向けて、” 総特集『海洋モデリングの新世紀』, 月刊 海洋, 33 (9), pp.617–624, 2001.
28. 淡路敏之,杉浦望実,馬場金司,増田周平,石川洋一,堀内一敏,蒋 勤,畑山隆紀,小守信正,豊田隆寛,中村知裕,沈一揚,深澤理郎,植田勝彦:“ 変分法データ同化システムによる全球海洋循環季節変動場の再現”,日本海洋学会秋季大会講演要旨集, P256, 2001.
29. 馬場 金司, 淡路 敏之, 杉浦 望実, 増田 周平, 蒋 勤, 沈 一揚, J. Annan, 石川 洋一, 小守信正, 畑山 隆紀: “4次元変分法による海洋大循環の気候値に関するデータ同化、” 日本機械学会,第11回設計工学・システム部門講演会予稿集, 2001.
30. 馬場金司,淡路敏之,杉浦望実,増田周平,蒋 勤,沈 一揚,J. Annan,石川洋一,小守信正: “4次元変分法による海洋大循環の気候値に関するデータ同化、”日本応用数理学会2001年度年会講演予稿集, pp.292-293. 2001.
31. 蒋 勤, 磯部雅彦, 高橋重雄, 珠久正憲: “L型カーテンウォールの波浪制御特性に関する研究-数値波動水路の耐波設計への適用-”, 土木学会海洋開発論文集, VOL.16, pp.1681-86,2000.
32. 蒋 勤, 高橋重雄, 村西佳美, 磯部雅彦: “波・地盤・構造物の相互作用に関するVOF-FEM予測モデルの開発”, 海岸工学論文集, 第47巻,pp.51-55, 2000.
33. 蒋勤, 高橋重雄,“防波堤の波力算定への数値波動水路の適用性について”,海岸工学論文集,第46巻, p.41-45,1999
34. 磯部雅彦,高橋重雄,余錫平,榊山勉,藤間功司,川崎浩司,蒋 勤,秋山実,大山洋志:“数値波動水路の耐波設計への適用に関する研究- VOF 法基本プログラムの作成-”, 海洋開発論文集, 第15巻, pp.321-326, 1999.
35. Jiang Qin, H. Kunisu, A. Watanabe, "Numerical Modeling of the Settling Processes of Dredged Material Disposal in Open Waters", Proceedings of 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE, p.510-515,1997
36. 蒋勤, 国栖广志,渡边晃,“土砂投入に伴う汚濁の拡散過程に関する数値シミュレーション“,海岸工学論文集,第44巻, p.1031-1035,1997
37. Jiang, Q. and A. Watanabe, “Analysis of Mud Mass Transport under Waves Using an Empirical Rheological Model,”,Proceedings 25th International Conf. Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Vol.3, pp.4174-4187 , 1996.
38. Jiang, Q. and A. Watanabe, “Rheological Properties of Soft Mud and a Numerical Model for its Motion under Waves,” [J]. Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol.38, No.2, pp.195-214,. 1995
39. 蒋勤, 渡辺晃: “底泥のレオロジー特性と質量輸送について”,海岸工学論文集,第42巻,pp.516-520, 1995
40. Jiang, Q., A. Watanabe and M. Isobe:“Rheological Properties and Mass transport of Mud under Waves,” 1995, HYDRA 2000,XXVIth IAHR Congress., Vol.3, 3D16, pp.305-310.


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