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2014.08-2014.11 美国弗吉尼亚大学,工科学校教师培训
2001.03-2006.12 河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,攻读港口、海岸及近海工程博士学位
1998.09-2001.06 河海大学,水文水资源学院,攻读水力学及河流动力学硕士学位
1994.09-1998.07 河海大学,水文水资源学院,攻读水资源利用(城市水资源及水环境方向)学士学位 


2007.03~至今    河海大学,港口、海岸及近海工程,讲师 







[1] 南京水利科学研究院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金开放课题“桥墩绕流机理及局部冲刷问题研究”(编号:2012539312),负责,2010.8-2012.12.
[2] 中央高校基本科研业务费“长江口近底边界层垂向结构特征和泥沙交换研究”(编号:2009B09914),负责,2009.5-2014.2.
[3] 河海大学科技创新基金“近底层水流的垂向结构及其在近岸水域三维数模中的应用研究”(编号:2007416211),负责,2008.1-2008.12
[4] 苏州水务局“苏州市第二水源——阳澄湖水源地建设方案研究” (编号:2009552113),负责,2008.12-2009.9.
[5] 国家重点实验室开放基金“长江下游--河口长河段数值模拟研究--课题1近底水流结构及其在河口三维水沙数模中的应用研究”(编号:2007491921),负责,2007.12-2008.12.
[6] 国家自然科学基金青年项目“南黄海海域泥沙过程对污染物输移影响的诊断研究”(编号51409093),参研,2015.1-2017.12.
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“河口海域波浪堆积的形成机理及其数值模拟”(编号50979033),参研,2010.1-2012.12.
[8] 国家自然科学基金青年项目“河海口边界层及细沙再悬浮的动力研究”(编号50709007),参研,2008.1-2010.12.
[9] 国家水污染控制专项“城市轻度污染景观河湖多元生态水质改善与功能提升关键技术研究与工程示范”(编号2009ZX07317-007),参研,2009.1-2012.12.
[10] 国务院三峡办项目“三峡工程运行后长江下游至河口的演变及对策研究”(编号:50826412),参研,2007.1-2011.6.
[11] 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金“河口海岸近底层水流结构及摩阻特性研究”(编号:20020294007),主研,2003.1-2006.12.
[12] 南京市秦淮河开发有限公司“外秦淮河调水效果三维数值模型”(编号:2006038),参研,2006.1-2006.6.
[13] 国家自然科学基金重点项目“长江流域调水等工程对河口环境的影响及对策”(编号:50339010),参研,2004.1~2007.12.
[14] 南京市秦淮河开发有限公司“秦淮河环境综合整治工程(一期工程)环境影响评价”(编号:2004508314),主研,2004.1-2004.7.


[1] Jia-Ling HAO, Bing-Ju HE, and Dong WANG. Analysis and evaluation of Water environmental and ecological characteristics in Yangtze river estuarine area, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Energy and Environment Engineering (ICEEE 2015).
[2] HAO Jialing , HE Bingju ,WANG Dong. Theoretical Analysis on Separation of Complex Flow Velocity in Estuarine Waters. The 2015 2nd International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2015).
[3] Jialing Hao, Tong Cao, Zhujun Zhang, Liping Yin. Retrieval and Analysis on the Sediment Concentration of the South Branch of the Yangtze Estuary based on TM. Proceedings of the 3rd/2013 International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013)(Ei检索)
[4] Jialing Hao, Hui Li, Ji Peng, Keren Qi.Review on the exploitation approaches of Tidal power. Proceedings of the 3rd/2013 International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013)(Ei检索)
[5] HAO jialing,HUA jun, LEI lei,Temporal-spatial Correlation Analysis of Tidal Level in the Yangtze Estuary. Proceedings of the 5th Chinese-German Joint Symposium in Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering(CGJOINT 2010).
[6] 郝嘉凌,夏昊凉,段涛,长江口水质遥感环境监测数据库系统建立与运用,Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health 2010,(ISTP检索).
[7] Hao Jialing, Zheng Jinhai, Zhang Wei,Observations of the boundary layer characteristics at the Yangtze Estuary,Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, v 4, n PART A, p 549-553, 2009.(Ei检索)
[8] Hao Jialing, Jiang Xiaoxin, Yang Juan. Three-dimensional numerical model of Wind-driven current in a lake Based on POM model,Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, v 4, n PART A, p 555-560, 2009.(Ei检索)
[9] Jialing HAO, Yixin YAN, Zhiyao SONG,Changnan Wang. The preliminary study on relationship between velocity distribution model and roughness length,25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, 4-9 June 2006. (Ei检索)
[10] 郝嘉凌,宋志尧,严以新.河口海岸潮流速分布模式研究.泥沙研究,2007(4):34-41.
[11] 郝嘉凌,宋志尧,严以新,童朝锋. 基于霍夫变换确定流速剖面参数的研究.水利水运工程学报,2006(3):69-73.
[12] 郝嘉凌,宋志尧,严以新.河口海岸近底潮流速分布模式初步研究.泥沙研究,2006(1):25-31.
[13] Hao Jialing, Yan Yixin, Song Zhiyao ,Zhang Wei. The Preliminary Study on Determining the Parametersof Velocity Profile with Hough Transform, 15th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research & International Symposium on Maritime Hydraulics(ISMH).2006.8.:47-54.
[14] HAO Jia-ling, ZHENG Jin-hai, LIU Ying-qi. Numerical Modelling of Contaminant Diffusion Near Branch Estuary of Yangtze River ----------Case study on Environment Integration Regulation of Qinhuai river. Second Sino-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering. October 11-20, 2004, Hohai University, Nanjing, China.(ISTP检索)
[15] 郝嘉凌,陆永军,陈界仁. 基于数据库和OLE技术的水流泥沙数据管理系统。2003,第11届海洋工程会议论文集。



[1] 郝嘉凌,河口海岸近底层水流结构及摩阻特性研究,江苏省教育厅,江苏省优秀博士学位论文,2008
[2] 郝嘉凌,珠江三角洲河网复杂水道航道整治数学模型的建模与应用,中国水运建设行业协会科学技术二等奖,排名第9,2009
[3] 宋志尧,严以新,郝嘉凌,Study on the Log-Linear Velocity Profile of Near-Bed Tidal Current in Estuarine and Coastal Waters,第五届中国科协期刊优秀学术论文,2009
[4] 郝嘉凌,三维紊流泥沙数学模型及其在三峡坝区冲淤计算中的应用,交通部航海科技二等奖,排名第9,2003年。
[5] 郝嘉凌,河海大学优秀班导师,2011年






13813804569, 025-83787709,jialingh@hhu.edu.cn



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