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Water Engineering Numerical Modelling System of Hohai University (HHU-WENMS)
发布人: 欧洲杯买足球软件     发布时间: 2013-09-04     访问次数: 345

      The appraising meeting of Water Engineering Numerical Modelling System of Hohai University (HHU-WENMS) was held on August 12th in Shanghai. The meeting was organized by Committee of Water Borne Transportation, China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization. The HHU-WENMS includes four modules, i.e., the tidal wave module, the tidal currents and sediment transport module, the wave module, and the coastal disaster module. It can be widely used in water engineering projects with great economic and social benefits. After listening to the report, watching the example demonstration, reviewing the technical data and addressing inquiries, all the attending experts agreed to pass the HHU-WENMS.

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