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Ya Tan
发布人: 欧洲杯买足球软件     发布时间: 2017-02-28     访问次数: 626

1.Personal Information

Full Name :

Ya Tan


Academic Position :

Associate Professor

Telephone :


E-mail : tanyachina @ yeah.net







MSc :

Nanjing University

09/1991 – 06/1994

BSc :

Nanjing University

09/1987 – 06/1991


3.Work Experience


University /Institute, Country


Associate Professor

Hohai University

04/2004 – present


4.Research Areas

Hydrodynamic numerical simulation of estuarine and coastal waters  

Storm surge numerical prediction……


5.Research Funding

National Science and Technology Support Program number of 2013BAB12B05-03, January 2013-December 2016.

Nation Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program, 2010CB429000). January 2010-ecember 2013.


6.Main Publications

1. Ya Tan , F. Yang, Danghan Xie The Change of Tidal Characteristics under the Influence of Human Activities in the Yangtze River Estuary Journal of Coastal Research,Proceedings of the 14th International Coastal Symposium,Sydney ,6-11 March 2016..

2. Y. Tan, J.A. Tai and J.L. Zhang, Analysis of Storm Surge and its Numerical Simulation in Jiangsu Offshore Areas, China ,21st ISOPE, Maui, Hawaii, USA ,2011

3. Y. Tan, J.L. Zhang and D.S. Zhang, The Characteristic Analysis of the Storm Surge in Fujian Coastal Area and its Forecast, 19th ISOPE, Osaka, Japan,  2009.


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