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储鏖,男 ,讲师,博士




2007.10-2019.07      荷兰Delft理工大学                    博士


2003.03-2007.07        河海大学,港口、海岸及近海工程专业   博士研究生

2000.10-2002.05      荷兰IHE水教育学院                   硕士


1998.09-2000.10      河海大学,港口、海岸及近海工程专业    硕士研究生

1994.09-1998.06      河海大学,港口航道与近海工程专业      本科


1998.07-至今          河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院   讲师

2014.01-2014.08       荷兰Delft理工大学                 访问学者

2013.12-2014.01       罗马第三大学                      访问学者

1999.07-2000.05       长江委员会设计院                  助理工程师








河海大学留学生精品课程Software Application of Estuarine, Coastal Hydrodynamic and  Sediment (河口海岸水动力泥沙软件应用),河海大学留学生研究生英文选修课,2学分

河海大学留学生精品课程Simulation Technology of Port Coastal and Offshore Engineering (河口海岸及近海工程模拟技术),河海大学留学生研究生英文必修课,2学分











6.973项目,2010CB429001,“长江口水动力与水盐动态过程”,2010/01- 2014/12,423万元,结题,参与







[1] Ao Chu, Z. B. Wang, H.J. de Vriend,J.A. Tai, (2018) Parallel Morphodynamic Modelling for the Yangtze Estuary,Journal of Coastal Research, 641-645.

[2] Xie D. H. Tan Y. Chu A., Zhou T.Y., van Maanen B (2018) Distribution Characteristics of the Extreme Storm Tides in the Radial Sand Ridges Area of the South Yellow Sea in China, Journal of Coastal Research.

[3] Zhu Y.L, Chen W.L, Chu A. (2018). 河口潮平均准稳态盐度解析模型, 海洋与湖沼, pp541-550, vol 49, No.3.

[4] Ao Chu, Z. B. Wang, H.J. de Vriend. (2015) Analysis on Residual Coarse Sediment Transport in Estuaries, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 163:194-205

[5] Zhang X. L., Dai Z. J., Chu A., Du J. Z. (2014) Impacts of relative sea level rise on the shoreface deposition, Shuidong Bay, South China, Environment Earth Science, 71:3503-3515, doi 10.1007/s12665-013-2740-1.

[6] Dai Z.J., Chu A., Li W.H., Wu H.L (2013). Has Suspended Sediment Concentration Near the Mouth Bar of the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary Been Declining in Recent Years? Journal of Coastal Research, doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00200.1.

[7] Gong, Z., Wang, Z., Stive, M. J. F., Zhang, C., & Chu, A. (2012). Process-Based Morphodynamic Modeling of a Schematized Mudflat Dominated by a Long-Shore Tidal Current at the Central Jiangsu Coast, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 285, 1381-1392. doi:10.2112/jcoastres-d-12-00001.1.

[8] Dai Z.J., Chu A., Stive M.J.F., Yao H.Y.(2012) Impact of the Three Gorges Dam overruled by an extreme climate hazard, , Natural Hazards Review, 2012, 13(4) : 310 -316 http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000081

[9] Dai Z.J. *, Chu A.*, Stive M.J.F., Zhang X.L., Yan H.(2011) Unusual salinity conditions in the Yangtze Estuary in 2006: impacts of an extreme drought or of the Three Gorges Dam?, Ambio, doi: 10.1007/s13280-011-0148-2

[10] Dai Z.J., Chu A., Stive M.J.F., Li J.F. (2011) Is the Three Georges Dam the cause behind the 2006 extreme low suspended sediment discharge into the Yangtze (Changjiang) estuary? Hydrological Sciences Journal 56(7): 1280-1288 

[11] Dai Z.J., Du J.Z., Chu A., Zhang X.L. ( 2011) Sediment characteristics in the North Branch of the Yangtze Estuary based on radioisotope tracers. Environmental Earth Sciences 62: 1629-11634.

[12] Dai Z.J., Du J.Z., Chu A., Li J.F., Chen J.Y. and. Zhang X.L, (2010) Groundwater discharge to the Changjiang River, China, during the drought season of 2006: effects of the extreme drought and the impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. Hydrogeology Journal 18: 359-369. 

[13] Dai Z.J., Chu A., Du J.Z., Stive M.J.F., and Yan H. (2010) Assessment of extreme drought and human interference on baseflow of the Yangtze River, Hydrological Processes 24: 749-757.

[14] 顾家悦,储鏖*,申云飞,沈港佩,王雨霏,傅钧义(2017) 芦潮港岸段警戒潮位研究,中国标准化。

[15] 储鏖 (2004) Delft3D在天文潮与风暴潮耦合数值模拟中的应用,海洋预报,vol.21 No.3


[1] Chu A., Tai J.A., Tan Y. (2018) Effect of storm surge barrier at the north branch on the extreme high water level in Yangtze Estuary, Proc. ISOPE2018, Sapporo, Japan.

[2] Chen J.X., Tan Y., Chu A. (2018) Probability Assessment of Flood Embankment in the Radial Sand Ridges Area of the South Yellow Sea, Proc. ISOPE2018, Sapporo, Japan.

[3] Chu A., Xu Y., Chen Y. P., Tai J. A. (2018) Long-term net sediment transport in estuarine environment, Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries and Muddy Coasts (Abstract).  

[4] 顾家悦,储鏖*,申云飞,沈港佩,王雨霏,傅钧义 (2017) Warning Water Level Determination for Luchaogang of Shanghai,国际材料科学和工程应用年会2017年,南京.

[5] Chu A., Tai J.A. (2015) Mor-Merge approach with multi-discharge for morphodynamic modeling of the Yangtze Estuary, Proc. ISOPE2015. 

[6] Chu A. and Tai J. A (2015). Analytical approach to long-term coarse sediment transport in estuaries, Proc. IAHR Den Hague (abstract)

[7] Chu A., Tai J.A., Gu S.H. (2014) Influence of the Three Gorges Dam on Sediment Budget at Mouth Bar of the Yangtze Estuary, Proc. PACOMS 2014-Shanghai.

[8] Chu A., Tai J.A., Gu S.H. (2014) Determination of Constituent Models for Process-Based Morphological Model of the Yangtze Estuary, Proc. ISOPE2014-Shanghai.

[9] Tai J. A., Chu A. (2014) Determination of the Probable Maximum Tropical Cyclone for the Chinese coast: Case of Nansha, Guangzhou, Proc. ISOPE2014-Shanghai.

[10] Chu A., Wang Z. B., de Vriend H. J., Tai J.A. (2013) Modelling processes controlling sediment transport at the mouth bar of the Yangtze Estuary, Proc. IAHR2013 word congress, Chengdu.

[11] Grasmeijer B., Chu A., van Rijn L. (2011). Application and comparison of two different fine cohesive sediment transport models in delft3d. Proc. Coastal Sediments 2011, Miami

[12] Chu A., Z. B. Wang, H.J. de Vriend and Stive M. J.F., 2010, A process-based approach to sediment transport in the Yangtze Estuary, Proc. in ICCE2010, Shanghai.

[13] Chu A., Z. B. Wang and H. J. de Vriend, 2009, Process-based modelling for the Yangtze Estuary, Proc. Coastal Dynamics, 2009, Tokyo.

[14] Chu A., Tai J. A. (2006) Wave simulation in the Radial Sand Ridge Are of the Yellow Sea, Proc. IAHR-APD, Chennai.

[15] 储鏖,邰佳爱,张君论(2005)南中国海台风暴潮研究——台风气压模式优选,第二届军事海洋强国论坛。

[16] Chu A., Zhang C. K., Zhang J. L., Tai J. A. (2005) Tidal prediction improvements in estuaries and coastal seas, Proc. IAHR 2005, Soul.

[17] Chu A., Tai J. A. (2004) Numerical simulation of coupling storm surge and astronomic tide based on delft 3D, Proc. Second sino-german joint symposium on coastal and ocean engineering, Nanjing.

[18] Tai J. A., Chu A. (2004) Extreme water level determination based on coupling model integrating storm surge and astronomic tide, Proc. Second sino-german joint symposium on coastal and ocean engineering, Nanjing.


Chu A. (2019). Analysis and modelling of Morphodynamics of the Yangtze Estuary (ISBN书号:978-94-6366-191-1),Delft University of Technology, 博士学位论文



2018   河海大学本科毕业设计优秀指导教师

2013   河海大学本科毕业设计优秀指导教师

2007   江苏沿海风浪场、潮位和风暴潮研究,江苏省水利科技优秀成果奖,一等奖(张玮,陈锡林,谭亚,黄利亚,闻余华,储鏖,邰佳爱)

2005   长江下游实用型洪水-风暴潮综合数学模型 教育部科技进步奖,二等奖,(张长宽,谭亚,王震,邰佳爱,储鏖,李国芳,龚政,张君伦,张东生)

2005    河海大学“青年岗位能手”

1999    河海大学1998-1999年度“优秀研究生干部”








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