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发布人: 欧洲杯买足球软件     发布时间: 2020-10-20     访问次数: 24650





2013/09 - 2014/09,University of Colorado, Boulder, 联培博士,导师:Prof. R.Y.S. Pak 

2009/09 - 2014/09,浙江大学,海洋岩土工程,博士,导师:王立忠 教授

2005/09 - 2009/06,华中科技大学,土木工程,学士


1.2019/06 –至今,河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,教授

2.2018/06 –2019/06,河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,副教授

3.2014/12 – 2018/06,河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,讲师









Coastal Engineering (留学生研究生专业课程)





1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,地震作用下海上风机多桶基础动力响应及快速计算半解析法研究, 2023/01-2026/12,在研,项目负责人


3.国家自然科学基金面上项目,近海风机超大直径嵌岩单桩全寿命周期动刚度演化规律及机制研究, 2019/01-2022/12,已结题,项目负责人

4.国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目,复杂动力环境下海上风机大直径单桩基础微生物加固的防护机理研究, 2020/01-2024/12,在研,课题负责

5.中央高校业务费重点专项, 海上风机基础在海底地震作用下的动力特性研究,2019.7-2021.12,已结题,项目负责人

6.国家自然科学基金青年基金,海上风机超大直径薄壁桶基在侧向动荷载作用下的初始动阻抗研究, 2016/01-2018/12,已结题,项目负责人。 







(1)He Rui*; Xiang Yunhan; Guo Zhen; A poroelastic model for near-field underwater noise caused by offshore monopile driving, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023, 564, 117878. (SCI)

(2)He Rui*; Zhu Tao; Ma Bo; Guo Zhen; Lateral static stiffness of offshore monopile socketed in soft rock, Marine Structures, 2022, 86: 103302-103302. (SCI)

(3)He Rui*; Kaynia Amir M.; Zheng Jinhai; Zhang Jisheng; Effect of gap and scour on dynamic behavior of monopiles and offshore wind structures, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 243: 110336.(SCI)

(4)He Rui; Zhang Jisheng; Zheng Jinhai ; Vertical dynamic interaction factors for offshore thin-walled pipe piles, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 145: 104656. (SCI) 

(5)He Rui*; Kaynia Amir M.; Zhu Tao ; Effect of base shear and moment on lateral dynamic behavior of monopiles, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 228: 108957. (SCI)

(6)He Rui*; Kaynia Amir M.; Dynamic impedances and load carrying mechanism for skirted foundations, Marine Structures, 2021, 79: 103023. (SCI)

(7)He Rui*; Kaynia Amir M.; Zhang Jisheng; Lateral free-field responses and kinematic interaction of monopiles to obliquely incident seismic waves in offshore engineering, Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 132: 103956. (SCI)

(8)He Rui*, Xiaodong Bai, Wei Peng (2021): Dynamic impedances of ring disks buried in arbitrary depths, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/19648189.2021.2004452.(SCI)

(9)He Rui*; Kaynia Amir M.; Zhang Jisheng; Chen Weiyun; Seismic response of monopiles to vertical excitation in offshore engineering, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 216: 108120. (SCI)

(10)He Rui* , Zhang Jisheng , Guo Zhen, et al. Dynamic vertical and rocking impedances of a strip foundation in offshore engineering[J]. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2020:1-10. (SCI)

(11)He Rui *, Zhu Tao. Model Tests on the Frequency Responses of Offshore Monopiles. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7(12), 430. (SCI)

(12)He Rui *, Amir Kaynia, Zhang Jisheng. Influence of vertical shear stresses due to pile-soil interaction onlateral dynamic responses for offshore mono-piles, Marine Structures, 2019. (SCI)

(13)He Rui *, Amir Kaynia, Zhang Jisheng. A Poroelastic Solution for Dynamics of Laterally Loaded Offshore Monopiles, Ocean Engineering, 2019. (SCI)

(14)He Rui *, Ji Ji, Zhang Jisheng. Dynamic Impedances of Offshore Rock-Socketed Monopiles, J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 2019. (SCI)

(15)He Rui *, Ronald Y.S. Pak, Lizhong Wang, Elastic lateral dynamic impedance functions for a rigid cylindrical shell type foundation, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, 41(4):508-526.(SCI)

(16)He Rui *. Dynamic vertical impedance of a submarine strip foundation in ocean engineering: Water wave pressure effect, Ocean Engineering, 2017, 139:116-126.(SCI)

(17)He Rui, Lizhong Wang, Ronald Y.S. Pak, Zhen Guo*, Jinhai Zheng, Vertical elastic dynamic impedance of a large diameter and thin-walled cylindrical shell type foundation, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 95:138-152.(SCI)

(18)He Rui *, Jisheng Zhang, Weiyun Chen, Using the Elastic Vertical Vibration of a Rigid Caisson at Low Frequencies to Stabilize the Foundation of Coastal Engineering Structures, Journal of Coastal Research, 2017, 33(4): 989-996.(SCI)

(19)He Rui: Response to Discussion of “Rocking vibration of a rigid disc embedded in any depth of a coupled seawater-visco-poro-elastic seabed half-space”. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 11/2017.(SCI)

(20)He Rui *, Lizhong Wang. Elastic rocking vibration of an offshore gravity base foundation, Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 55: 48-58.(SCI)

(21)He Rui *. Rocking vibration of a rigid disc embedded in any depth of a coupled seawater-visco-poro-elastic seabed half-space,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2016,85:130-133.(SCI)

(22)He Rui, and Lizhong Wang*. Horizontal vibration of a rigid disk buried in a poroelastic half-space in contact with a fluid half-space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013, 44(1): 38-41.(SCI)

(23)He Rui, Lizhong Wang*, H.Y. Yu, Vertical vibration of a rigid disc embedded in a poroelastic half-space in contact with a fluid half-space, Wave Motion, 2013, 50(3): 363–373. (SCI)

(24)He Rui,Lizhong Wang*,A coupled fluid layer–rigid disk–poroelastic half-space vibration problem,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2012,43(2012):114-123.(SCI)

(25)He Rui, Lizhong Wang*, H.Y. Yu, Time harmonic point load and dynamic contact problem of contacting fluid and poroelastic half-spaces, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2012, 36(3): 20-31.(SCI)

(26)Zhang Jisheng; Zhang Can; Athanasios Angeloudis; Stephan C. Kramer; He Rui; Interactions between tidal stream turbine arrays and their hydrodynamic impact around Zhoushan Island, China; Ocean Engineering, 2022, 246(1):110431.(SCI)

(27)ChangJie Zheng, He Rui, Horizontal vibration of a cylindrical rigid foundation embedded in poroelastic half-space, Computers and Geotechincs,2019. (SCI)

(28)Peng W , He Rui , Zhang J , et al. Wave tank experiments on the power capture of a float-type wave energy device with a breakwater. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2018, 10(5). (SCI)

(29)He Rui*; Xiang Yunhan; Guo Zhen; Numerical nalysis for nderwater a u noise caused by offshore monopile driving, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022. (EI)

(30)He Rui*, Pan L. New optimization method of multiple tuned mass dampers installed on offshore wind turbines for seismic response control. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-second (2022) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China; 2022:439-445. (EI)

(31)He Rui.*, Dynamic responses of offshore wind turbines on bucket foundations in sand considering soil-structure interaction, 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. San Francisco, California, USA, 2017, June 25-30. (EI)

(32)He Rui.*, Huang T., Radiative damping of offshore wind turbine gravity base foundations at low frequencies, 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, Korea 2016, June 19-24 (EI)

(33)Zhen Guo, Dong-sheng Jeng, Wei Guo, He Rui *: Simplified approximation for seepage effect on penetration resistance of suction caissons in sand. Ships and Offshore Structures 06/2016.(SCI)

(34)Zhai Y , He Rui , Zhao J , et al. Physical Model of wave-induced seabed response around trenched pipeline in sandy seabed. Applied Ocean Research, 2018, 75:37-52. (SCI)

(35)Weiyun Chen, Dongsheng Jeng, Guoxing Chen, Hongyi Zhao, He Rui, Hongmei Gao: Momentary liquefaction of porous seabed under vertical seismic action. Applied Ocean Research 04/2018; 73:80-87.(SCI)

(36)Titi Sui, Jinhai Zheng, Chi Zhang, Dong-Sheng Jeng, Jisheng Zhang, Yakun Guo, He Rui: Consolidation of unsaturated seabed around an inserted pile foundation and its effects on the wave-induced momentary liquefaction. Ocean Engineering 02/2017; 131:308-321.(SCI)

(37)Weiyun Chen, Yu Huang, Zhihua Wang, He Rui, Guoxing Chen, Xiaojun Li: Horizontal and vertical motion at surface of a gassy ocean sediment layer induced by obliquely incident SV waves. Engineering Geology 01/2017; 227.(SCI)

(38)Zhang J , Tong L , Zheng J , He Rui. Effects of Soil-Resistance Damping on Wave-Induced Pore Pressure Accumulation around a Composite Breakwater. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 343:573-585. (SCI)

(39)Linlong Tong, Jisheng Zhang, Jinhai Zheng, He Rui: Effects of Soil Resistance Damping on Wave-Induced Pore Pressure Accumulation in a Sandy Seabed. The 9th International Conference on Asia and Pacific Coasts 2017 (APAC 2017); 11/2017. (EI)

(40)He Rui, Bo Ma, Tao Zhu, A soil-bucket dynamic interaction model test in sand, The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference At: Sapporo, Japan. (EI)

(41)He Rui, Tao Zhu, Bo Ma, Dynamic Responses of Mono-piles in the Presence of Scour Holes: Volume 2, In book: Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. (EI)


(43)贺瑞, 王立忠*. 砂质海床中锚板基础水平振动动力特性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 37(11). (EI)

(44)贺瑞*, 林捷, 郑金海,等. 砂土地基中桶基竖向动力特性研究[C]// 中国海洋. 2017.

(45)林捷, 贺瑞*, 郑金海. 海上风力发电机桶形基础竖向初始动阻抗影响因素分析[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(3):263-270.

(46)陶文艳, 贺瑞*, 郑金海. 海上风机大直径单桩水平-摇摆耦合振动特性[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 46(3):260-267.

(47)贺瑞*,宋俞良, 郑金海. 局部冲坑对导管架刚度影响的模型试验[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 50(5):66-74.

(48)张辉宇, 贺瑞*, 陈强等. 海上风机超大直径单桩竖向抗压承载力理论计算及实测方法对比评价[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1):105-116.

(49)贺瑞*, 王海宇,郑金海. MICP 加固对海上风机单桩基础静力特性的影响[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 50(3):65-73.



(1)贺瑞; 姜昊; 殷苠蔚; 周举; 孙逸琳; 姜玮业; 周春艳; 一种超长期嵌岩单桩振动特性测试方法, 2021-6-8, 中国, ZL202010475848.5

(2)贺瑞; 陈自怡; 李醒非; 谷玉先; 金明晖; 多网型可折叠水下打桩降噪装置及实施方法, 2021-9-24,中国, ZL202010915046.1 

(3)贺瑞; 姜昊; 殷苠蔚; 周举; 孙逸琳; 姜玮业; 周春艳; 一种超长期嵌岩单桩振动特性测试方法, 2021-6-8, 中国, ZL202010475848.5 

(4)贺瑞; 谷玉先; 陈自怡; 李醒非; 金明晖; 一种实验室用模拟海上打桩装置, 2021-3-19, 中国, ZL202021112055.9 

(5)贺瑞; 李醒非; 谷玉先; 陈自怡; 一种新型的打桩减噪装置, 2020-12-01,中国, ZL201910920923.1.

(6)贺瑞; 金明晖; 蜂巢阵列扰流板型声场阻尼网及海上打桩时的防噪方法,2020-08-25, 中国, ZL201910966843.X.

(7)贺瑞; 朱涛; 马博; 张继生; 一种对倾斜模型桩基进行纠偏的试验纠偏装置及方法, 2019-02-01,中国,ZL201711275536.4.

(8)贺瑞; 陶文艳; 郑金海; 可考虑冲刷影响的桶基侧向动阻抗试验测量装置及方法, 2017-09-15, 中国, ZL201610240018.8.

(9)贺瑞; 林捷; 郑金海; 一种桶基竖向初始动阻抗试验装置及试验方法,2018-09-14, 中国, ZL 201610606875.5.










担任担任《Frontiers In Marine Science》客座主编;中国岩石力学与工程学会海洋工程地质灾害防控分会理事;Marine Structure、International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics、 Ocean Engineering、Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering、Ships and Offshore Structures、Advances in Structural Engineering、海洋工程等业内权威期刊审稿人。


邮箱:herui@hhu.edu.cn; herui0827@163.com.

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