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张 蔚
发布人: 欧洲杯买足球软件     发布时间: 2020-03-16     访问次数: 19608







2019.03~2019.04,荷兰瓦代尔夫特理工大学 高级访问学者;

2016.09~2016.10 荷兰瓦赫灵根大学 欧盟科研合作项目资助访学


2015.06~2015.08 荷兰瓦赫灵根大学 欧盟科研合作项目资助访学;


2014.06~2014.09 荷兰瓦赫灵根大学 欧盟科研合作项目资助访学;





2007.03~2009.04  水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室博士后


2001.09~ 2006.12 河海大学港口、海岸及近海工程专业硕博连读,博士

2005.07~ 2005.08 台湾成功大学水利系,交换学生

1997.09~ 2001.06 河海大学港口及航道工程专业本科学习,学士









[1]“周期性潮波运动对复杂河网分流过程的影响机制”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, (41676078),2017.01~2020.12,项目负责人;






[7]“河网分汊河道地貌演变对中国珠江三角洲及荷兰Rotterdam Rijnmond 河网洪水灾害影响研究”,(51061130545),2011.01~2014.12,项目第二负责人。







[14]“南水北调东线工程对长江下游水环境的影响研究”,江苏省博士后基金, (0702007C),2008.01~2009.12,项目负责人。  


[1]Cao, Y., Zhang, W., Zhu, Y.L., Ji, X.M., Xu, Y.W., Wu, Y., Hoitink, A.J.F., Impact of trends in river discharge and ocean tides on water level dynamics in the Pearl River Delta, Coastal Engineering, 157,103634, 2020. (SCI 检索)

[2]Luo, X., Zhang, W., Chen, S., Feng, X., Ji, X., Xu, Y., Evolution of reversal of the lowest low waters in a tidal river network, Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124701, 2020. (SCI 检索)

[3]Chen, J., Zhang, W., Impacts of tidal species on water level variations in Pearl River Delta channel networks, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 35 (2020), 101110, 2020.(SCI 检索)

[4]Zhang, W., Feng, H.C., Zhu, Y.L, Zheng, J.H., Hoitink, A.J.F., Subtidal Flow Reversal Associated with Sediment Accretion in a Delta Channel, Water Resources Research, 55, 12, 10781-10795, 2019.(SCI 检索)

[5]Xu, Y.W., A.J.F. Hoitink, Zheng, J.H., K. Kastner, Zhang, W., Analytical model captures intratidal variation in salinity in a convergent, well-mixed estuary, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 4309-4322, 2019.(SCI 检索)

[6]Ji, X.M., Zhang, W. Tidal influence on the discharge distribution over the Pearl river Delta, China, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 31 (2019), 100791, 2019.(SCI 检索)

[7]Zhang, W., Cao, Y., Zhu, Y.L., Zheng, J.H., Ji, X.M., Xu, Y.W., Wu, Y., A.J.F. Hoitink., Unravelling the causes of tidal asymmetry in deltas, Journal of Hydrology, 564, 588–604, 2018.(SCI 检索)

[8]Wu, Y., Zhang, W., Zhu, Y.L., Zheng, J.H., Ji, X.M., He,Y., Xu, Y.W., Intra-tidal division of flow and suspended sediment at the first order junction of the Pearl River Network. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 209, 169–182, 2018.(SCI 检索)

[9]Zhang, W., Feng, H.C., A.J.F. Hoitink, Zhu, Y.L., Gong, F., Zheng, J.H., Tidal impacts on the subtidal flow division at the main bifurcation in the Yangtze River Delta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 196, 301-314, 2017.(SCI 检索)

[10]Xu, Y.W., Zhang W., Zhu Y.L., Zheng J.H., Analytical solution for salt intrusion in multiple-freshwater-source estuaries: application to Human Estuary. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(19): 661, 2017.(SCI 检索)

[11]Feng, H.C., Zhang, W., Zhu, Y.L., Lei, Z.Y., Ji, X.M., Sampling Surface Particle Size Distributions and Stability Analysis of Deep Channel in the Pearl River Estuary. China Ocean Engineering, 31(3): 299–307, 2017.(SCI 检索)

[12]Zhang, W., Cao, Y., Zhu, Y.L., Wu, Y., Ji, X.M., He, Y., Xu, Y.W., Wang, W.G., Flood frequency analysis for alterations of extreme maximum water levels in the Pearl River Delta. Ocean Engineering, 129, 117-132, 2017.(SCI 检索)

[13]Zhang, W., Wu, Y., Wang, W.G., Xing, W.Q., Characterizing the Seasonal Changing Patterns of Hydrological Variables in the East River, Southern China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21(12): 05016031, 2016.(SCI 检索)

[14]Zhang, W., Xu, Y.W., Hoitink A.J.F., Sassi M.G., Zheng, J.H., Chen X.W., Zhang, C., Morphological change in the Pearl River Delta, China. Marine Geology, 363: 202-219, 2015.(SCI 检索)

[15]Zhang Wei, Wang Weiguang, Zheng Jinhai, Wang Hongge, Wang Gang, Zhang Jisheng, Reconstruction of stage- discharge relationships and analysis of hydraulic geometry variations: The case study of the Pearl River Delta, China, Global and Planetary Change, 125, 60-70, 2015. (SCI 检索)

[16]Zhang Wei, Xu Yang, A.J.F. Hoitink, M.G. Sassi, Zheng Jinhai, Chen Xiaowen, Zhang Chi, Morphological change in the Pearl River Delta, China, Marine Geology, 363, 202-219, 2015. (SCI 检索)

[17]Xu Yanwen, Zhang Wei, Chen Xiuhua, Zheng Jinhai,Chen Xiaowen, Wu Hongxu, Comparison of Analytical Solution for Salt Intrusion Applied to the Modaomen Estuary, Journal of Coastal Research, 31(3), 735-741,2015. (SCI检索)

[18]Wang Weiguang,Zou Shan,Luo Zhao-hui,Zhang Wei,Chen Dan,Prediction of the Reference Evapotranspiration Using a Chaotic Approach,Scientific World Journal, 1(1), 386-398, 2014. (SCI 检索)

[19]Wang Weiguang,Yong Bin,Zhang Wei,Shao Q.X,Responses of rice yield, irrigation water requirement and water use efficiency to climate change in China: Historical simulation and future projections,Agricultural Water Management, 146(1), 249-261, 2014. (SCI 检索)

[20]Vellinga, N. E., Hoitink, A. J. F., van der Vegt, M., Zhang, Wei, Hoekstra, P., Human impacts on tides overwhelm the effect of sea level rise on extreme water levels in the Rhine-Meuse delta, Coastal Engineering, 90, 40-50, 2014. (EI,SCI 检索)

[21]Zheng Jinhai, Zhang Wei, Zhang Peng, Zhu Yuliang, Understanding Space-Time Patterns of Long-Term Tidal Fluctuation over the Pearl River Delta, South China ,Journal of Coastal Research, 30(3), 515-527,2014. (SCI 检索)

[22]Zhang Wei, Lyu Shujie, Zhu Yuliang, Chen Xiaowen , A Coupled Model of the 1D River Network and 3D Estuary Based on Hydrodynamics and Suspended Sediment Simulation ,Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1, 2014. (SCI 检索)

[23]Zhang Wei, Jia Qiong, Chen Xiaowen, Numerical Simulation of Flow and Suspended Sediment Transport in the Distributary Channel Networks ,Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1, 2014. (SCI 检索)

[24]Zhang Wei, Du Jing, Zheng Jinhai, Wei Xiaoyan, Zhu Yuliang , Redistribution of the suspended sediment at the apex bifurcation in the Pearl River Network, South China ,Journal of Coastal Research, 30(1), 170-182, 2014. (SCI 检索)

[25]Du Jing, Zhang Wei, Mu Shousheng, Lyu Shujie, Gong Fei, Response of hydrodynamic on abrupt changes of bathymetry in the Pearl River Delta, 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan, 1049-1056, 2014. (EI 检索)

[26]Gong Fei, Zhang Wei, Chen Kaimin, Du Jing, Lyu Shujie, The response of salt intrusion length to changes in river discharge of the Three Gorges Reservoir in the Yangtze Estuary, China, 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan, 1017-1022, 2014 (EI 检索)

[27]Lyu Shujie, Zhang Wei, Du Jing, Gong Fei , A coupled model for the hydrodynamics simulation of the Pearl River networks and its estuary, 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,ISOPE 2014 Busan, 1082-1086, 2014. (EI 检索)

[28]Feng Xiangbo, Shaw Andrew G. P., Zhang Wei, Study on reverse calculation for unidirectional waves from shallow, Journal of Coastal Research, 1(65), 219-224, 2013. (SCI 检索)

[29]Zhang Wei, Zheng Jinhai, Ji Xiaomei, Hoitink A. J. F., van der Vegt M., Zhu Yuliang, Surficial sediment distribution and the associated net sediment transport pattern in the Pearl River Estuary,South China, Continental Shelf Research, 61-62, 41-51, 2013. (SCI 检索)

[30]Zhang Wei, Feng Haochuan, Zheng Jinhai, A. J. F. Hoitink, M. van der Vegt, Zhu yuliang, Cai Huijuan, Numerical simulation and analysis of saltwater intrusion lengths in the Pearl River Delta, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 29 (2), 372-382, 2013. (SCI 检索)

[31]Zhang Wei, Wang Hongge, Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of suspended sediment distribution in the lingding bay, south China, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 1397-1403, 2013. (EI 检索)

[32]Zhang Wei, Wei Xiaoyan, Zhu Yuliang, Zheng Jinhai, Zhang Yanjing, Estimating suspended sediment loads in the Pearl River Delta region using sediment rating curves, Continental Shelf Research, 38, 35-46, 2012.( SCI 检索)

[33]Zhang Wei, Mu Sshousheng, Zhang Yanjing, Chen Kaimin, Seasonal and interannual variations of flow discharge from Pearl River into sea, Water Science and Engineering, 5, 4, 399-409, 2012. (EI检索)

[34]危小艳, 诸裕良, 张蔚, 孙世伟, 珠江口枯季盐通量数值模拟研究, 热带地理, 32, 2, 216-222, 2012.

[35]Zhang Wei, Mu Shousheng, Zhang Yanjing, Chen Kaimin, Temporal variation of suspended sediment load in the Pearl River due to human activities. International Journal of Sediment Research 26, 88-498, 2011. (SCI 检索)

[36]Feng Xiangbo, Yan Yixin, Zhang Wei, Application of two-dimensional wavelet transform in near-shore x-band radar images, Journal of hydrodynamics, 23, 2, 179-186, 2011. (SCI 检索)

[37]陈小文, 张蔚, 赵慧, 徐辉荣, 易雯, 近30年来珠江河口岸线演变时空特征及效应, 热带地理, 30, 6, 591-596, 2011.

[38]Zhang Wei, Ruan Xiaohong, Zhu Yuliang, Zheng Jinhai, Wu Hongxu, Long-term change in tidal dynamics and its cause in the Pearl River Delta, China. Geomorphology, 120, 209-223, 2010. (SCI 检索)

[39]张蔚, 徐郑, 董雪, 林娜, 伶仃洋洪季悬沙分布特征及变化过程分析, 泥沙研究, 4, 22-28, 2010.

[40]张蔚, 严以新, 郑金海, 吴宏旭, 珠江三角洲年际潮差长期变化趋势, 水科学进展, 21(1), 77-83, 2010.(EI 检索) 

[41]Zhang Wei,Yan Yixin, Zheng Jinhai, Wu Hongxu, Interannual tidal range trend in Pearl River Delta.21(1), 77-83, 2010.(EI 检索)

[42]Zhang, Wei, Yan, Yixin., Zheng, Jinhai, Li, Ling, Dong, Xxue, Cai, Huayang, Temporal and spatial variability of annual extreme water level in the Pearl River Delta, China. Global and Planetary Change 69, 35-47, 2009. (SCI 检索) 

[43]张蔚, 严以新, 诸裕良, 杨明远. 人工采沙及航道整治对珠江三角洲水流动力条件的影响. 水利学报, 39(9), 1098-1103, 2008. (EI 检索) 
















[1]国际期刊《Regional Studies in Marine Science》编委

[2]国际组织Coastal Education & Research Foundation (CERF) 会员



[5]国际期刊《Coastal Engineering》、 《Journal of Geophysical Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》、 《Continental Shelf Research》、《Journal of Coastal Research》等期刊审稿人。



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