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Professor Yongping Chen with others Attended ICS
 Time: 2016-03-23     Hot: 367

       The 14th International Coastal Symposium (ICS) was held from March 6 to 11 in Sydney, Australia. 14 teachers and students including Professor Yongping Chen, Dr. Jie Yang, Yi Pan, Chunyan Zhou, and PhD candidates Haijin Cao, Zhenshan Xu, Qian Zhang, Jiangxia Li, Jiayu Fang, Jun Fan, Ke Sun, Master students Qin Zhang, Xuelin Ding, Danghan Xie participated. In the symposium, Qian Zhang, Xuelin Ding, Qin Zhang, Haijin Cao won “Best Students’ Oral Presentation Award”, Danghan Xie won“Best Students’ Poster Award”.


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