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Gang Wang
 Time: 2017-02-27     Hot: 1140

1.Personal Information

Full Name :

Gang Wang

Academic Position :

Associate Professor

Telephone :


E-mail : gangwang@hhu.edu.cn







Dalian University of technology

09/2005 – 04/2011
BEng(Civil) : Hohai University 09/2001 – 05/2005


3.Work Experience


University /Institute, Country


Associate Professor

Hohai University

04/2015 – present


Hohai University

04/2011 – 03/2015


4.Research Areas

Coastal dynamics

Wave transformation



5.Research Funding

“Dynamics of Transoceanic Tsunami Propagation based on Trapping Effect of Ocean Ridge”, The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2016.01 — 2019.12, £66,426 (PI);

“Numerical and Laboratory Modelling Study of Meteo-Tsunamis and Harbour Resonance”, The Royal Society (UK) – The National Natural Science Foundation (China) Joint Project, 2014.04 — 2016.03, £10,544 (PI);

“Influence mechanism of shape and topography on harbor resonance”, The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2013.01 — 2015.12, £26,359 (PI);


6.Main Publications

1. Wang, G., Zheng, J.-h., Liang, Q.-h., Zhang, W. and Huang, C., 2015. Theoretical analysis of harbor resonance in harbor with an exponential bottom profile. China Ocean Engineering, 29(6): 821-834.

2. Wang, G., Zheng, J.-H., Liang, Q.-H. and Zheng, Y.-N., 2014. Analytical solutions for oscillations in a harbor with a hyperbolic-cosine squared bottom. Ocean Engineering, 83(0): 16-23.

3. Zheng, J.-H., Wang, G., Dong, G.-H., Ma, X.-Z. and Ma, Y.-X., 2014. Numerical study on Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou problem for 1D shallow-water waves. Wave Motion, 51(1): 157-167.

4. Wang, G. et al., 2013a. Disintegration of linear edge waves. China Ocean Engineering, 27(4): 557-562.

5. Wang, G., Zheng, J.-H., Maa, J.P.-Y., Zhang, J.-S. and Tao, A.-F., 2013b. Numerical experiments on transverse oscillations induced by normal-incident waves in a rectangular harbor of constant slope. Ocean Engineering, 57(1): 1-10.

6. Wang, G., Dong, G.-H., Perlin, M., Ma, X.-Z. and Ma, Y.-X., 2011a. An analytic investigation of oscillations within a harbor of constant slope. Ocean Engineering, 38: 479-486.


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