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A Survey on Ocean Wave Disaster in Fishing Harbors of Fujian Province
 Time: 2017-07-05     Hot: 887

       From Jun.5 to Jun. 8, Professor Jinhai Zheng, Associate Professors Aifeng Tao, Gang Wang and graduate students Xin Xie, Yinan Lin visited the Fujian coast along with Dr. Yao Zhang from National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service (NMHMS). Detailed surveys were made in Fuzhou City, including the Changle Wenwusha Breakwater, Zhanggang Fishing Harbor, Pingtan Dong’ao Central Fishing Harbor and Ningde Xiapu Central Fishing Harbor. This is part of the project “Analysis on the Near Shore Wave Disaster Risk in Typical Harbors” funded by NMHMS.





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