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Provincial Universities Micro-Teaching Competition 2015
Professor Weicheng Luo’s Seminar
A Short Term Course by Professor Ian Townend from the UK
China-UK Workshop on Catchment Systems Management and Flood Resilience, CSMFR 2015
Prof. Yongping Chen and Dr. Yi Pan Attended the 3rd IMA International Conference on Flood Risk
The 2nd Public Jogging Activity of Ocean-Related Universities
The 8th HHU Badminton Competition
HHU Football Champion
Professor Liang Qiuhua’s Seminar
Dean Zheng with other Supervisors Visited Joint Graduate Cultivation Bases
Prof. Jinhai Zheng with others Attended the 1st Marine Hazard Mitigation Conference
Scientific Expedition in the Pearl River Delta
7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
Follow the foot print of Academician Kai Yan
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