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· 河 口 海 岸 综 合 治 理 与 保 护 研 究 团 队
首页  · 河 口 海 岸 综 合 治 理 与 保 护 研 究 团 队  论文论著


(1)陈汉宝, 陈松贵, 王颖奇, 张华庆, 金瑞佳. 大比尺波浪水槽科技报告(2014-2017), 人民交通出版社, 2019.

(2)陈松贵, 陈汉宝, 赵鹏, 彭程, 王依娜. 滨海电厂水生态环境保护关键技术研究与应用, 人民交通出版社, 2019.

(3)陈大可, 王义刚. 无黏性泥沙和黏性泥沙冲刷特性的实验与理论研究. 河海大学出版社, 中国南京, 2019.


(1)张继生, 唐子豪, 钱方舒. 海洋温差能发展现状与关键科技问题研究综述. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 47(1): 55-64.

(2)陈松贵, 陈汉宝, 赵洪波, 郑金海, 张弛. 珊瑚礁地形上胸墙波浪力大水槽试验. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 47(1): 65-70.

(3)张继生, 张婧, 王日升, 顾介康, 林祥峰. 波流共同作用下水平轴潮流能水轮机水动力特性. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 47(2): 175-182.

(4)谭慧明, 陈福茂, 何稼. 土颗粒尺寸对微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积反应速率的影响. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2019, 40(11): 907-912.

(5)薛米安, 邢建建, 陈奕超, 罗铆钧. 基于振动台实验的液体晃荡激励参数敏感性研究. 大连理工大学学报, 2019, 59(2): 162-171.

(6)陈奕超, 薛米安, 彭天成, 苑晓丽, 朱爱蒙. 液体晃荡压力分布规律OpenFOAM模拟研究. 大连理工大学学报, 2019, 59(4): 400-408.

(7)薛米安, 陈奕超, 苑晓丽, 邢建建, 张冠卿, 朱瑞虎. 低载液率液体晃荡冲击压力的试验研究. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(14): 239-245.

(8)薛米安, 邢建建, 苑晓丽, 陈奕超, 罗铆钧. 水平运动模拟器复演随机海浪谱实验. 振动、测试与诊断, 2019, 39(2): 346-352.

(9)彭伟, 荀有为, 张继生, 董国海. 永兴岛能源现状及波浪能资源初步评估. 水力发电, 2019, 45(3): 110-114.

(10)江晨辉, 曹海锦, 冯卫兵, 冯曦. 规则波作用下刚性植被海岸准静态平衡剖面试验. 水运工程, 2019 (4): 3.

(11)陈可锋, 郑金海, 陆培东, 王艳红, 张弛, 王乃瑞. 南黄海辐射沙脊群形成演变的动力地貌过程数值模拟. 水科学进展, 2019, 30(2): 230-242.

(12)谭慧明, 于淙洋, 王中. 考虑颗粒破碎影响的吸力贯入式平板锚安装过程研究. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(s1): 177-180.

(13)张玉全, 郑源, 孙勇, 张继生, 臧伟, 刘惠文. 基于致动盘的潮流能水轮机尾流场研究. 可再生能源, 2019, 37(01): 148-154.

(14)林伊楠, 陶爱峰, 李雪丁, 郑祥靖, 尹硕. 台湾海峡风涌浪分离方法研究. 海洋学报, 2019, 41(8): 1-10.

(15)万鹏, 王岗, 于洪荃, 张尧, 陶金波. 基于射线理论的海脊俘获波机制. 海洋学报, 2019, 41(11): 35-39.

(16)胡乔辉, 王培涛, 王岗. 南海海啸在泰国湾海域的共振响应. 海洋工程, 2019, 37(2): 76-87.

(17)连宇顺, 刘海笑. 海洋系泊工程中合成纤维系缆研究述评. 海洋工程, 2019, 37:146-158.

(18)朱超, 史剑, 陶爱峰, 刘经东. “苏拉”和“达维”双台风过程中台风浪和海温的数值模拟. 海洋科学, 2019, 7: 1-11.

(19)谢欣, 陶爱峰, 张尧, 李硕, 时健, 郑金海. 基于波高和周期双指标的福建海域海浪危险性分析. 海洋通报, 2019, 38(2): 167-172.

(20)陈松贵, 王泽明, 张弛, 陈汉宝, 郑金海. 珊瑚礁地形上直立式防浪堤越浪大水槽实验. 科学通报, 2019, 64: 1-10.

(21)徐伟, 陶爱峰, 刘建辉, 陈淳, 于帆, 张珍瑶. 国际海岸带生态防护对我国生态海堤建设的启示. 海洋开发与管理, 2019, 10: 12-15.

(22)彭伟, 张继生. “一带一路”背景下海外属地化人才培养与思考-以港口航道与海岸工程为例. 教育现代化, 2019, 6(5): 16-18.


(1)朱瑞虎, 郑金海, 苏静波, 郝敬钦, 车宇飞, 罗孟岩. 基于动力测试的高桩码头损伤识别研究. 第十九届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集, 海洋出版社, 中国重庆, 2019, 733-736.

(2)窦朋, 薛米安, 郑金海. 调谐液体阻尼器对导管架海洋平台振动控制的试验与数值研究. 第十九届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集, 海洋出版社, 中国重庆, 2019, 25-30.

(3)于洪荃, 王岗, 罗朦, 周文, 郑金海. 指数形海脊上俘获波的试验研究, 第十九届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集. 海洋出版社, 中国重庆, 2019, 310-313.

(4)许洋, 王岗, 周文, 罗朦, 郑金海. 台阶形海脊俘获波的解析研究, 第十九届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集. 海洋出版社, 中国重庆, 2019, 320-325.

(5)冯曦, 赵嘉静, 李慧超, 冯卫兵. 季风和潮波对南黄海波浪风涌分类的影响. 第十九届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集, 海洋出版社, 中国重庆, 2019, 641-648.

(6)隋倜倜, Leon Heine Staunstrup, Stefan Carstensen, David R. Fuhrman. 海底管道三维冲刷悬跨拓展速度新理论. 第十九届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集, 海洋出版社, 中国重庆, 2019, 683-688.

(7)张炫. 波流共同作用下湍流拟序结构特征. “大河三角洲与大湾区”学术研讨会, 中国南京, 2019.


(1)Jisheng Zhang, Rui Wang, Yakun Guo, Xiuguang Wu, Jinhai Zheng, Zhiyang Zhang. Modeling study of hydrodynamics in a macro tidal estuary. Maritime Engineering, 2019, 172(2): 34-44.

(2)Xi Feng, Hui Feng, Huichao Li, Fan Zhang, Weibing Feng, Wei Zhang, Jinjin Yuan. Tidal responses to future sea level trends on the Yellow Sea Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2019, 2169-9275.

(3)Ji Peng, Aifeng Tao, Yuming Liu, Jinhai Zheng, Jisheng Zhang, Risheng Wang. A laboratory study of class III Bragg resonance of gravity surface waves by periodic beds. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(6): 067110.

(4)Yun Xing, Qiuhua Liang, Gang Wang, Xiaodong Ming, Xilin Xia. City-scale hydrodynamic modelling of urban flash floods: the issues of scale and resolution. Natural Hazards, 2019, 96(1): 473-496.

(5)Rui He, Kaynia Amir, Jisheng Zhang. Influence of vertical shear stresses due to pile-soil interaction on lateral dynamic responses for offshore mono-piles. Marine Structures, 2019, 64: 341-359.

(6)Dawei Guan, Shih-Chun Hsieh, Yee-Meng Chiew, Ying Min Low. Experimental study of scour around a forced vibrating pipeline in quiescent water. Coastal Engineering, 2019, 143: 1-11.

(7)Dawei Guan, Yee-Meng Chiew, Bruce Melville, Jinhai Zheng. Current-induced scour at monopile foundations subjected to lateral vibrations. Coastal Engineering, 2019, 144: 1-7.

(8)Yan Xiong, Qiuhua Liang, Hyoungsu Park, Daniel Cox, Gang Wang. A deterministic approach for assessing tsunami-induced building damage through quantification of hydrodynamic forces. Coastal Engineering, 2019, 144: 1-14.

(9)Xuan Zhang, Richard Simons. Experimental investigation on the structure of turbulence in the bottom wave-current boundary layers. Coastal Engineering, 2019, 152, 103511.

(10)Xiaoli Liu, Haonan Cui, Dongsheng Jeng, Hongyi Zhao. A coupled mathematical model for accumulation of wave-induced pore water pressure and its application. Coastal Engineering, 2019, 154: 103577.

(11)Zhen Guo, Dongsheng Jeng, Hongyi Zhao, Wei Guo, Lizhong Wang. Effect of seepage flow on sediment incipient motion around a free spanning pipeline. Coastal Engineering, 2019, 143: 50-62.

(12)Yuquan Zhang, Lu Ji, Yuan Zheng, Huiwen Liu, Xingtao Xu. Nanopatterned metal-organic framework electrodes with improved capacitive deionization properties for highly efficient water desalination. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 234: 116124.

(13)Ke Sun, Jisheng Zhang, Yuan Gao, Dongsheng Jeng, Yakun Guo, Zuodong Liang. Laboratory experimental study of ocean waves propagating over a partially buried pipeline in a trench layer. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 173: 617-627.

(14)Wenchi Ni, Xu Zhang, Fangfei Xu, Wei Zhang, Zhuang Kang. Numerical investigation of bifurcation characteristics under perturbations in vortex induced vibration of cylinder with two degrees of freedom. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 188: 106318.

(15)Jian Shi, Jinhai Zheng, Chi Zhang, Antoine Joly, Wei Zhang, Pengfei Xu, Titi Sui, Tian Chen. A 39-year high resolution wave hindcast for the Chinese coast: Model validation and wave climate analysis. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 183: 224-235.

(16)Titi Sui, Chi Zhang, Dongsheng Jeng, Yakun Guo, Jinhai Zheng, Wei Zhang, Jian Shi. Wave-induced seabed residual response and liquefaction around a mono-pile foundation with various embedded depth, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 173: 157-173. 

(17)Jian Shi, Fengyan Shi, Jinhai Zheng, Chi Zhang, Matt Malej, Guoxiang Wu. Interplay between grid resolution and pressure decimation in non-hydrostatic modeling of internal waves. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 186: 106110.

(18)Liting Yu, Mi-An Xue, Jinhai Zheng. Experimental study of vertical slat screens effects on reducing shallow water sloshing in a tank under horizontal excitation with a wide frequency range. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 173: 131-141.

(19)Mi-An Xue, Yichao Chen, Jinhai Zheng, Ling Qian, Xiaoli Yuan. Fluid dynamics analysis of sloshing pressure distribution in storage vessels of different shapes. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 192: 106582.

(20)Mi-An Xue, Obai Kargbo, Jinhai Zheng. Seiche oscillations of layered fluids in a closed rectangular tank with wave damping mechanism. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 196:106842.

(21)Hao Chen, Ling Qian, Wei Bai, Zhihua Ma, Zaibin Lin, Mi-An Xue. Oblique focused wave group generation and interaction with a fixed FPSO-shaped body: 3D CFD simulations and comparison with experiments. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 192: 106524.

(22)Rui He, Kaynia Amir, Jisheng Zhang. A poroelastic solution for dynamics of laterally loaded offshore monopiles. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 179: 337-350.

(23)Yushun Lian, Haixiao Liu, Solomon C. Yim, Jinhai Zheng, Pengfei Xu. An investigation on internal damping behavior of fiber rope. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 182: 512-526.

(24)Dawei Guan, Yee-Meng Chiew, Maoxing Wei, Shih-Chun Hsieh. Characterization of horseshoe vortex in a developing scour hole at a cylindrical bridge pier. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2019, 34(2): 118-124.

(25)Dawei Guan, Yee-Meng Chiew, Maoxing Wei, Shih-Chun Hsieh. Visualization of flow field around a vibrating pipeline within an equilibrium scour hole. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2019, (150): e59745.

(26)Richard Asumadu, Jisheng Zhang, Osei-Wusuansa Hubert, Alex Baffour Akoto. 2-D model of wave-induced response of seabed around permeable submerged breakwater. Advance in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 11(2): 1-15.

(27)Richard Asumadu, Jisheng Zhang, Dongsheng Jeng, Hongyi Zhao. 3-Dimensional study of wave-induced seabed response around three different types of wind turbine pile foundations. SN Applied Sciences, 2019, 1(11): 1401.

(28)Richard Asumadu, Jisheng Zhang, Dongsheng Jeng, Hongyi Zhao. A 3D numerical analysis of wave-induced seabed response around a monopile structure. Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2019: 1-21.

(29)Huiming Tan, Fumao Chen, Jia Chen, Yufeng Gao. Direct shear tests of shear strength of soils reinforced by geomats and plant roots. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2019, 47(6): 780-791.

(30)Ting Huang, Conleth O’Loughlin, Christophe Gaudin, Yinghui Tian, Ting Lu. The drained response of rigid piles in sand under an inclined tensile load. Géotechnique Letter, 2019, 9(4): 1-9.

(31)Xiaomei Ji, Wei Zhang. Tidal influence on the discharge distribution over the Pearl River Delta, China. Regional studies of Marine Science, 2019, 31: 100791.

(32)Yanwen Xu, Antonius J. F. Hoitink, Jinhai Zheng, K. Kästner, Wei Zhang. Analytical model captures intratidal variation in salinity in a convergent, well-mixed estuary. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019, 23(10): 4309-4322.

(33)Obai Kargbo, Mi-An Xue, Jinhai Zheng. Multiphase sloshing and interfacial wave interaction with a baffle and a submersed block. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2019, 141: 071301(1-15).

(34)Yushun Lian, Solomon C. Yim, Jinhai Zheng, Haixiao Liu, NanZhang. Effects of damaged fiber ropes on the performance of a hybrid taut-wire mooring system. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2020, 142(1).

(35)Jianfeng Zhu, Hongyi Zhao, Dongsheng Jeng. Effects of principal stress rotation on wave-induced soil response in a poro-elastoplastic sandy seabed. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(6): 1717-1739. 

(36)Jianfeng Zhu, Hongyi Zhao, Dongsheng Jeng. Dynamic characteristics of a sandy seabed under storm wave loading considering the effect of principal stress rotation. Engineering Geology, 2019, 259: 105132. 

(37)Xiaodong Bai, Wei Zhang, Qinghe Fang, Yong Wang, Jinhai Zheng, Anxin Guo. The visualization of turbulent coherent structure in open channel flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2019, 31(2): 266-273.

(38)Lijun Hou, Jin Wang, Ting Huang, Chun Shen, Farhad Aslani, Da Chen. Flexural behaviour of corroded reinforced concrete beams repaired with ultra-high toughness cementitious composite. Construction and Building Materials. 2019, 211: 1127–1137.

(39)Yanwen Xu, Liangqiu Cheng, Jinhai Zheng, Yuliang Zhu, Yao Wu, Jian Shi, Wei Zhang. Intensive anthropogenic influence on the morphological evolution of estuarine tidal channels. Journal of Coastal Research, 2019, 35(6): 1237-1249.

(40)Jisheng Zhang, Shuang Song, Yanyan Zhai, Linlong Tong, Yakun Guo. Numerical study on the wave-induced seabed response around a trenched pipeline. Journal of Coastal Research, 2019, 35(4): 896-906.

(41)Gang Wang, Qiuhua Liang, Jinhai Zheng, Peng Wan. A new multilayer nonhydrostatic formulation for surface water waves. Journal of Coastal Research, 2019, 35(3): 693-710.

(42)Xiangfeng Lin, Jisheng Zhang, Yuquan Zhang, Jing Zhang, Sheng Liu. Comparison of actuator line method and full rotor geometry simulations of the wake field of a tidal stream turbine. Water, 2019, 11: 560.

(43)Yunsong Cui, Qiuhua Liang, Gang Wang, Jiaheng Zhao, Jinchun Hu, Yuehua Wang, Xilin Xia. Simulation of hydraulic structures in 2d high-resolution urban flood modeling. Water, 2019, 11(10): 2139.

(44)Dawei Guan, Jingang Liu, Yee-Meng Chiew, Yingzheng Zhou. Scour evolution downstream of submerged weirs in clear water scour conditions. Water, 2019, 11(9): 1-10. 

(45)Yuquan Zhang, Chengyi Li, Yanhe Xu, Qinghong Tang, Yuan Zheng, Huiwen Liu, E. Fernandez-Rodriguez. Study on propellers distribution and flow field in the oxidation ditch based on two-phase CFD model. Water, 2019, 11(12): 2506.

(46)Titi Sui, Yu Jin, Zhaojun Wang, Chi Zhang, Jian Shi. Effects of the soil property distribution gradient on the wave-induced response of a non-homogeneous seabed. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019, 7: 281.

(47)Jian Shi, Chaofeng Tong, Jinhai Zheng, Chi Zhang, Xiangyu Gao. Kelvin-Helmholtz billows induced by shear instability along the north passage of the Yangtze River Estuary, china. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(92): 1-18.

(48)Rui He, Ji Ji, Jisheng Zhang, Wei Peng, Zufeng Sun, Zhen Guo. Dynamic impedances of offshore rock-socketed monopiles. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2019, 7: 134.

(49)Zhengxu Li, Dongsheng Jeng, Jianfeng Zhu, Hongyi Zhao. Effects of principal stress rotation on the fluid-induced soil response in a porous seabed. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(5): 123.

(50)Songgui Chen, Hanbao Chen, Jinhai Zheng, Chi Zhang, Zihao Duan, Shuo Huang. Lattice boltzmann-discrete element modeling simulation of scc flowing process for rock-filled concrete. Materials, 2019, 12(19): 3128.

(51)Yuquan Zhang, Yanhe Xu, Yuan Zheng, E. Fernandez-Rodriguez, Aoran Sun, Chunxia Yang, Jue Wang. Multiobjective optimization design and experimental investigation on the axial flow pump with orthogonal test approach. Complexity, 2019, 2019:1467565.

(52)Yuquan Zhang, Sheng Hong, Jinran Lin, Yuan Zheng. Influence of ultrasonic excitation sealing on the corrosion resistance of HVOF-Sprayed nanostructured WC-CoCr coatings under different corrosive environments. Coatings, 2019, 9(11): 724.


(1)Jiang Lai, Jisheng Zhang, Tiantian Zhang. Propagation of solitary wave over impermeable submerged double breakwaters. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Hawaii, USA, 2019.

(2)Xiangfeng Lin, Jisheng Zhang, Jing Zhang, Tiantian Zhang. Numerical simulation of tidal stream turbines using actuator line method. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Hawaii, USA, 2019.

(3)Mi-An Xue, Yichao Chen, Xiaoli Yuan, Peng Dou. A study on effects of the baffles in reducing sloshing in a container under earthquake excitation. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Hawaii, USA, 2019.

(4)Xi Feng, Yingtao Zhou, Yang Lu, Weibing Feng. Characteristics of beach erosion in headland bays due to storm-waves. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Hawaii, USA, 2019. 

(5)Lin Cheng, Jinhai Zheng, Hanbin Gu, Xiwu Gong. Focused wave interaction with floating structures by in-house codes. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Hawaii, USA, 2019.

(6)Solomon C. Yim, N. Adami, B. Bosma, T. Brekken, Ming Chen, L. Ghorban Zadeh, Yushun Lian, P. Lomonaco, A. Mohtat, T. Ozakan-Haller, J. Thomson. A preliminary study on the modeling and analysis of nonlinear effects of ocean waves and power-take-off control on wave energy conversion system dynamic. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Scotland, UK, 2019.

(7)Songgui Chen, Zeming Wang, Jinhai Zheng, Chi Zhang, Ke Hu. Study of extreme waves propagating over reefs in large wave flume. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Scotland, UK, 2019.

(8)Chi Zhang, Mingxiao Xie, Jiawen Sun, Peng Wang, Wenzhang Fan, Pengfei Xu. Numerical analysis of the erosion mechanism for beach nourishment: a case study. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2019 (CS19), Petersburg, USA, 2019.

(9)Yuan Li, Chi Zhang, Yu Cai, Zeming Wang, Haoye Yang, Songgui Chen, Hongshuai Qi, Jiawen Sun. Experimental observation of artificial sandbar response to large waves. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2019 (CS19), Petersburg, USA, 2019.

(10)Zhubin Cao, Chi Zhang, Hongshuai Qi, Yao Zhang, Jinhai Zheng, Shanhang Chi. Numerical investigation of the irregular wave-induced sediment transport processes. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2019 (CS19), Petersburg, USA, 2019.

(11)Dake Chen, Bruce Melville, Chi Zhang, Huiming Huang, Yigang Wang, Jinhai Zheng, Kefeng Chen. Laboratory investigations of erosion of pure Kaolinite clay. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2019 (CS19), Petersburg, USA, 2019.

(12)Gang Wang, Hongquan Yu, Jinhai Zheng, Qiuhua Liang. The ray paths of trapped waves over the submerged ridge. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts. Hanoi, Vietam, 2019.

(13)Zhubin Cao, Shanhang Chi, Chi Zhang, Haijiang Liu, Jinhai Zheng. Video-based monitoring of wave overtopping along the breakwater during storm events. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS), Chengdu, China, 2019.

(14)Yuan Li, Chi Zhang. Physical insights into equilibrium sandbar topography using a process-based model. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS), Chengdu, China, 2019.

(15)Chi Zhang, Yu Cai, Yuan Li, Haoye Yang, Zeming Wang. Experimental observation of artificial sandbar morphodynamics under accretive wave conditions. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS), Chengdu, China, 2019.

(16)Xi Feng, Bixuan Dong, Jun Kong, Weibing Feng. Research on morphological and characteristics of rip current in Dadinghai, Sanya. Proceedings of the Inaugural International Symposium on Water Modelling, Beijing, China, 2019.

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