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Organized to Participate the 18th Symposiun on China Ocean (Coastal) Engineering
The 1st International Symposium on Coastal Resources and Environment held in Hohai University
Associate Professor TAO Jianfeng with others participated the RCEM 2017
Prof. ZHANG Wei with others participated the ECSA 2017
Teachers and Students in our College Participated APAC 2017
A Survey on Ocean Wave Disaster in Fishing Harbors of Fujian Province
Associate Professor Chi Zhang with others participated the 1st National Symposium on Geotechnical Engineeringof Reefs
Professor Jinhai Zheng with others Attended HHU-SWJU Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Cross-sea Bridge
Professor Wei Zhang with others Attended the 2016 Taishan Academic Forum
An appointment ceremony of “Hohai Scholar”
International Symposium on Tidal Flat Evolution and Modeling Technology
Professor Jinhai Zheng with others Attended the 2016 Chinese Symposium on Coastal Engineering
Professor Cui Weicheng’s Seminar
Orientation Day
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Address:1 Xikang Road ,Nanjing 210098,P.R.China    Zip:210098